
2023-03-07 18:44:28来源:考而思在线阅读量:180




特鲁罗中学Truro School 11+入学考试


Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

特鲁罗中学Truro School 11+入学考试

特鲁罗中学Truro School 11+入学考试

特鲁罗中学Truro School 11+入学考试

Question Paper

Section A (20 minutes)

Read the extract from Great Expectations carefully and then answer the following questions:

特鲁罗中学Truro School 11+入学考试

Section B (25 minutes)

Write a story based on the picture below. Try to use lots of descriptive language, for example, similes and metaphors. (20 marks)

特鲁罗中学Truro School 11+入学考试


1. This question is about money called euros.

Write the total number of euros in each box.

The first one is done for you.

特鲁罗中学Truro School 11+入学考试

2. A sequence of numbers decreases by 3 each time.

Write the missing numbers in the sequence below.

You can use the number line on the right to help you.

特鲁罗中学Truro School 11+入学考试

特鲁罗中学Truro School 11+入学考试

3. Here is part of the 36 times table.

特鲁罗中学Truro School 11+入学考试

Use the 36 times table to help you work out the missing numbers.

288 ÷ 8 =____________

180 ÷ 36 = ____________

11 × 36 = ____________

4. The table shows feeding times for some animals in a zoo.

特鲁罗中学Truro School 11+入学考试

(a) The first feeding time for giraffes starts at 12:20pm.

At what time does it finish?


(b) One feeding time finishes at 3:00pm.

Which animal’s feeding time is this?


(c) A visitor arrives at the zoo at 1:45pm.

How many minutes later does the next feeding time for elephants start?


(d) A different visitor arrives at the zoo at 12:30pm.

She wants to watch feeding times for elephants, otters and seals that day.

Write three feeding times that she could watch.

Elephants at_____________:_____________

Otters at_____________:_____________

Seals at_____________:_____________

5. Work out

64 + 57 =_____________

64 – 57 =_____________

6. In America, there are coins each worth 25 cents.

These coins are called quarters because four of them make one dollar。

特鲁罗中学Truro School 11+入学考试

(a) Altogether, how many quarters make 3 dollars?


(b) Laura has 20 quarters.

How many dollars is that?


(c) Dev wants to change 10 dollars into quarters.

How many quarters should he get?


特鲁罗中学Truro School 11+入学考试

特鲁罗中学Truro School 11+入学考试

8. The table shows the approximate populations of five different places.

特鲁罗中学Truro School 11+入学考试

(a) Which of the places has a population of about seventy thousand?


(b) Use the table to complete these sentences.

The population of Harrogate is about 10 times as big as

the population of_______________________

The population of___________________ is about 100 times as big as

the population of Harrogate.

The population of Sheffield is about___________________ times as big as

the population of Ash Vale.

9. Here are the rules for a number grid.

特鲁罗中学Truro School 11+入学考试

Use the rules to write the missing numbers in these number grids.

特鲁罗中学Truro School 11+入学考试

10. The lengths of babies are measured at different ages.

The graph shows the longest and shortest a baby boy is likely to be.

特鲁罗中学Truro School 11+入学考试

(a) Write the missing numbers below.

A baby boy is 8 weeks old.

The longest he is likely to be is about___________________cm.

The shortest he is likely to be is about___________________cm

(b) A 34 week old baby boy is 72cm long.

Put a cross on the graph to show this information.








