

2022-05-09 00:40:00来源:考而思在线阅读量:47



加拿大约克大学(York University)位于加拿大第一大城市多伦多北郊,是全加拿大综合规模第三大的大学。

当时的约克大学被视作多伦多大学的分校只有76名学生,如今校园宽阔,共占地635 公顷,面积之大可以用“一望无际”来形容。

约克大学的《历史学》硕士课程主要有这样几个专业:动物考古学理学硕士(MSc Zooarchaeology)、生物考古学理学硕士(MSc Bioarchaeology)、罗马考古学文学硕士(MA Roman Archaeology)、史前景观考古学文学硕士(MA Prehistoric Landscape Archaeology)、中世纪考古学文学硕士(MA Medieval Archaeology)、材料文化与实验考古学理学硕士(MSc Material Culture and Experimental Archaeology)、中世纪研究(包括中世纪伊斯兰文化)文学硕士(MA Medieval Studies (Including Medieval Islamic Cultures pathway))、艺术史(中世纪艺术和中世纪艺术)文学硕士(MA History of Art (Medieval Art and Medievalisms))、材料文化与实验考古学文学硕士(MA Material Culture and Experimental Archaeology)、彩色玻璃保护与遗产管理文学硕士(MA Stained Glass Conservation and Heritage Management)、艺术史(英国艺术)文学硕士(MA History of Art (British Art))、铁器时代与凯尔特考古学文学硕士(MA Iron Age and Celtic Archaeology)、艺术史(现当代艺术)文学硕士(MA History of Art (Modern and Contemporary Art))、艺术史(建筑史与理论)文学硕士(MA History of Art (Architectural History and Theory))、历史考古学文学硕士(MA Historical Archaeology)、艺术史文学硕士(MA History of Art)、文艺复兴与早期现代研究文学硕士(MA Renaissance and Early Modern Studies)、历史建筑文学硕士(MA Historic Buildings)、公共历史文学硕士(MA Public History)、殡葬考古学文学硕士(MA Funerary Archaeology)、现代史文学硕士(MA Modern History)、殡葬考古学理学硕士(MSc Funerary Archaeology)、中世纪历史文学硕士(MA Medieval History)、田野考古文学硕士(MA Field Archaeology)、医学史与人文文学硕士(MA Medical History and Humanities)、早期史前史与人类起源文学硕士(MA Early Prehistory and Human Origins)、早期现代史文学硕士(MA Early Modern History)、早期史前史与人类起源理学硕士(MSc Early Prehistory and Human Origins)、当代史与国际政治文学硕士(MA Contemporary History and International Politics)、数字遗产理学硕士(MSc Digital Heritage)、十八世纪研究文学硕士(MA Eighteenth Century Studies)、数字考古学理学硕士(MSc Digital Archaeology)、中石器时代考古文学硕士(MA Mesolithic Archaeology)。下边分别给大家介绍一下这几个专业。



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Animal Bones for Archaeologists、Interpreting Animal Remains、Zooarchaeology 1: Identifying Animal Bones、Zooarchaeology 2: Exploring the Assemblage、Ancient Biomolecules、Ethnoarchaeology、Experimental Archaeology in Context、Geoarchaeology、Geographical Information Systems、Analysing Anatomical Variation I、Human Bone Practicals I、Dissertation

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6.5、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作23、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作61、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:The Archaeology of Human Bones、Ancient Biomolecules、Human Bone Practicals 1、Human Bone Practicals 2、Animal Bones for Archaeologists、Human Evolutionary Anatomy、Artefacts from Excavation、Virtual Reality and 3D Modelling、Dissertation

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6.5、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作23、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作61、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Roman Europe、Death, Burial and Commemoration in the Roman World、The Ancient Celts: Archaeology and Identity in Iron Age Europe、Life and Death in Iron Age Britain and Ireland、Debates in Funerary Archaeology、Digital Knowledge Production in Archaeology、Artefacts from Excavation、Documents and Archives for Archaeologists、Dissertation

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6.5、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作23、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作61、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Concepts of Landscape、Themes in the Prehistoric Landscape、Analysis and Visualisation、Ancient Biomolecules、Landscape and Earthworks Survey、Geophysical Survey、Dissertation

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6.5、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作23、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作61、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:The Viking Age: People, Places and Things、Medieval Settlement and Communities、Archaeology of Households、Debates in Funerary Archaeology、Death and Burial in the Age of the Vikings、Introduction to Ceramic Petrology、Material Culture Theory in Practice、Documents and Archives for Archaeologists、Dissertation

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6.5、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作23、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作61、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Ethnoarchaeology、Experimental Archaeology in Context、Experimental Archaeology Design and Practice、Material Culture Theory in Practice、Medieval Settlement and Communities、The Viking Age: People, Places and Things、Virtual Reality and 3D Modelling、Debates in Museum Theory and Practice、Dissertation

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6.5、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作23、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作61、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Approaches to interdisciplinary methodology、The Global Middle Ages、The Vikings in Northumbria、Islamic Worlds、Medieval Islamic Architecture on the Frontiers: Synthesis, Innovation and Change、Chaucer, Arabic Learning and the East、Medieval Settlement and Communities、The Viking Age: People, Places and Things、England in Europe: From Beowulf to the Roman d'Eneas、The Medieval Book、Medieval Craft、Old English Beginners、Old French、Old Norse、Latin

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福96(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 67(听力61、阅读61、写作61、口语61)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Medieval Art and Medievalisms: Research Skills and Methods、Art and Imagery in York Minster、British Post-War Architecture: Anglo-Scandos, Brutalists and “Trad Dads”、Home, Habitat & Community in Modern Italian Art、Medieval Islamic Architecture on the Frontiers: Synthesis, Innovation & Change、Scrolls & Serpents: The Arts of the Early Insular World、Art, Mass Media and Communication, 1945-1991、Bauhaus Worlds、Ceramic Arts of the Islamic World: A Framework for Study、Fashion, Theories, Materials and Images (1540 - 1940)、Mapping the World 1100 - 1300、‘Painting on Light’: Stained Glass in the Medieval Tradition、Centre for Medieval Studies、Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作21、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作55、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Ethnoarchaeology、Experimental Archaeology in Context、Experimental Archaeology Design and Practice、Material Culture Theory in Practice、Medieval Settlement and Communities、The Viking Age: People, Places and Things、Virtual Reality and 3D Modelling、Debates in Museum Theory and Practice、Dissertation

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6.5、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作23、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作61、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:An Introduction to Stained Glass Conservation、History and Theory of Stained Glass Conservation、Approaches to Conservation、Painting on Light: Stained Glass in the Medieval Tradition、Issues in Cultural Heritage Conservation、16-week placement in a stained glass conservation studio or heritage institution、Art and Imagery of York Minster、Concepts, Principles and Practice、Advanced Techniques of Stained Glass Conservation、Research Skills in Stained Glass History and Conservation、Churches and High Crosses: The Art of Stone in Anglo-Saxon England、The Domestic Interior in Italy c1400-1550、Medieval Settlement and Communities、Museums, Audiences and Interpretation、Dissertation

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作21、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作55、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:British Art: Research Skills and Methods、Art and Imagery in York Minster、British Post-War Architecture: Anglo-Scandos, Brutalists and “Trad Dads”、Home, Habitat & Community in Modern Italian Art、Medieval Islamic Architecture on the Frontiers: Synthesis, Innovation & Change、Scrolls & Serpents: The Arts of the Early Insular World、Art, Mass Media and Communication, 1945-1991、Bauhaus Worlds、Ceramic Arts of the Islamic World: A Framework for Study、Fashion, Theories, Materials and Images (1540 - 1940)、Mapping the World 1100 - 1300、‘Painting on Light’: Stained Glass in the Medieval Tradition、Centre for Medieval Studies、Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作21、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作55、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:The Ancient Celts: Archaeology and Identity in Iron Age Europe、Life and Death in Iron Age Britain and Ireland、Roman Europe、Death, Burial and Commemoration in the Roman World、The Archaeology of Human Bones、Debates in Funerary Archaeology、Landscape and Earthworks Survey、Perspectives in Landscape Research、Dissertation

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6.5、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作23、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作61、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Modern and Contemporary Art: Research Skills and Methods、Art and Imagery in York Minster、British Post-War Architecture: Anglo-Scandos, Brutalists and “Trad Dads”、Home, Habitat & Community in Modern Italian Art、Medieval Islamic Architecture on the Frontiers: Synthesis, Innovation & Change、Scrolls & Serpents: The Arts of the Early Insular World、Art, Mass Media and Communication, 1945-1991、Bauhaus Worlds、Ceramic Arts of the Islamic World: A Framework for Study、Fashion, Theories, Materials and Images (1540 - 1940)、Mapping the World 1100 - 1300、‘Painting on Light’: Stained Glass in the Medieval Tradition、Centre for Medieval Studies、Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作21、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作55、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Architectural History and Theory: Research Skills and Methods、Art and Imagery in York Minster、British Post-War Architecture: Anglo-Scandos, Brutalists and “Trad Dads”、Home, Habitat & Community in Modern Italian Art、Medieval Islamic Architecture on the Frontiers: Synthesis, Innovation & Change、Scrolls & Serpents: The Arts of the Early Insular World、Art, Mass Media and Communication, 1945-1991、Bauhaus Worlds、Ceramic Arts of the Islamic World: A Framework for Study、Fashion, Theories, Materials and Images (1540 - 1940)、Mapping the World 1100 - 1300、‘Painting on Light’: Stained Glass in the Medieval Tradition、Centre for Medieval Studies、Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作21、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作55、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Making the Nation、Empires of Improvement、Interpreting Historic Buildings、The Archaeology of Human Bones、Domestic Historic Interiors、Debates in Museum Theory and Practice、Artefacts from Excavation、Documents and Archives for Archaeologists、Dissertation

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6.5、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作23、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作61、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Research Skills in History of Art、Art and Imagery in York Minster、British Post-War Architecture: Anglo-Scandos, Brutalists and “Trad Dads”、Home, Habitat & Community in Modern Italian Art、Medieval Islamic Architecture on the Frontiers: Synthesis, Innovation & Change、Scrolls & Serpents: The Arts of the Early Insular World、Art, Mass Media and Communication, 1945-1991、Bauhaus Worlds、Ceramic Arts of the Islamic World: A Framework for Study、Fashion, Theories, Materials and Images (1540 - 1940)、Mapping the World 1100 - 1300、‘Painting on Light’: Stained Glass in the Medieval Tradition、Centre for Medieval Studies、Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作21、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作55、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Approaches to Renaissance and Early Modern Studies、Interpreting Northern Renaissance Art、Fashion: Theories, Materials & Images (1540-1940)、Representing Women in 18th Century Britain: Ideas, Images & Texts、Domestic Historic Interiors、Early Modern Theories of Everything、Issues in Cultural Heritage Conservation、Technics of Print, 1500-1800、Oral History Methods、Things in History: Researching Material Culture、Mapping the Past、Lies, Darn Lies, and Statistics - for Historians、Early Modern Palaeography、Research Training、Dissertation

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福96(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 67(听力61、阅读61、写作61、口语61)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Analysing Historic Buildings、Interpreting Historic Buildings、Analysis and Visualisation、Domestic Historic Interiors、Debates in Museum Theory and Practice、Conservation Solutions、Building Survey、Dissertation

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6.5、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作23、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作61、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Public History 1: Meanings and Values in Public History、Public History 2: Methodologies and Practices in Public History、Research Training、Public History placement、Mending the Past: History and the Politics of Guilt and Reparation、Germans in Eastern Europe since 1918: History and Memory、Experiencing and Remembering the French Wars, 1792–1918、Technics of Print, 1500-1800、Oral History Methods、Things in History: Researching Material Culture、Mapping the Past、Lies, Darn Lies, and Statistics - for Historians、Early Modern Palaeography

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福96(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 67(听力61、阅读61、写作61、口语61)

2022年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6.5、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作23、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作61、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Approaches to Modern History、Research Training、Falling for Growth: Capitalism in the Modern World、Neoliberalism and its Discontents: The World since 1968、Russian Foreign Policy from Alexander I to Vladimir Putin、Japan and the World, 1840-1912、The Uses of Writing in the 'Dark Ages' from Late Antiquity to the Age of Charlemagne and Beyond、Medieval European Family、The Frontiers of Reason, 12022年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福96(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 67(听力61、阅读61、写作61、口语61)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:The Archaeology of Human Bones、Debates in Funerary Archaeology、Human bone practical skills I、Human bone practical skills II、Animal Bones for Archaeologists、Death and Burial in the Age of the Vikings、Radiocarbon Chronologies、Analysing Anatomical Variation I、Artefacts from Excavation、Dissertation

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6.5、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作23、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作61、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Perspectives on Medieval History、Research Training、Palaeography、Beginner Latin、Intermediate Latin、Death, Commemoration and Memory in the Viking World、The Cult of Saints in the Medieval West, 1050-1350、Masculinities and Femininities in Late Medieval Europe、Common Knowledge: Publics, Power and Information in Fifteenth-Century England、The Uses of Writing in the 'Dark Ages' from Late Antiquity to the Age of Charlemagne and Beyond、Medicine and Spiritual Healing in the Early Modern World、Representing Women in 18th Century Britain: Ideas, Images and Texts、Falling for Growth: Capitalism in the Modern World、Neoliberalism and its Discontents: The World since 1968

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福96(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 67(听力61、阅读61、写作61、口语61)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Gathering Field Archaeology Data、Analysing Field Archaeology Data、Analysis and Visualisation、Sustainability II: Understanding Sustainability as Change Through Time、Experimental Archaeology Design and Practice、Artefacts from Excavation、Geophysical Survey、Landscape and Earthworks Survey

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6.5、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作23、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作61、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Medical History and Humanities: A Critical Introduction、Research Training、Medicine and Spiritual Healing in the Early Modern World、A Picture of Health: The Mass Media and Public Health in the Twentieth Century、Technics of Print, 1500-1800、Oral History Methods、Things in History: Researching Material Culture、Mapping the Past、Lies, Darn Lies, and Statistics - for Historians、Early Modern Palaeography、Research dissertation

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福96(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 67(听力61、阅读61、写作61、口语61)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Becoming Human: Evolving Minds and Societies、Hunting and Gathering Societies、Mesolithic Lifeways、Interpreting Animal Remains、Our Place in Nature、Human Evolutionary Anatomy、Using Archaeological Data、Human Bone Practicals I、Dissertation

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6.5、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作23、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作61、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Approaches to Early Modern History、Research Training、Medicine and Spiritual Healing in the Early Modern World、Representing Women in 18th Century Britain: Ideas, Images and Texts、Speculation: Culture, Knowledge and Finance in England, 1650-1750、The Roman Inquisition and Italian Society, 1543-1700、The Uses of Writing in the 'Dark Ages' from Late Antiquity to the Age of Charlemagne and Beyond、Medieval European Family、The Frontiers of Reason, 12022年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福96(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 67(听力61、阅读61、写作61、口语61)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Becoming Human: Evolving Minds and Societies、Hunting and Gathering Societies、Mesolithic Lifeways、Interpreting Animal Remains、Our Place in Nature、Human Evolutionary Anatomy、Using Archaeological Data、Human Bone Practicals I、Dissertation

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6.5、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作23、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作61、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:The Making of the Contemporary World: History, Politics and Ideas since 1945、Research Training、Neoliberalism and its Discontents: The World since 1968、Russian Foreign Policy from Alexander I to Vladimir Putin、Mending the Past: History and the Politics of Guilt and Reparation、Germans in Eastern Europe since 1918: History and Memory、Falling for Growth: Capitalism in the Modern World、Japan and the World, 1840-1912、Revolutionary Daughters, Militant Mothers and Radical Sisters: Women and Radicalism in the U.S. since 1865、Theories and Policies of Development Governance、Contemporary Issues in International Political Economy、European Public Policy、Technics of Print, 1500-1800、Oral History Methods、Dissertation

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福96(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 67(听力61、阅读61、写作61、口语61)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Digital Knowledge Production in Archaeology、Analysis and Visualisation、Cultural Heritage Management I: Concepts, Principles and Practice、Cultural Heritage Management II: Museums, Audiences and Interpretation、Heritage Filmmaking、Digital Imaging、Geographical Information Systems (GIS)、Virtual Reality and 3D Modelling、User-Design Experience in Heritage、Dissertation

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6.5、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作23、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作61、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Changes of Meaning, Narratives of Change、Postgraduate Life in Practice I、Postgraduate Life in Practice II、Comedy of Difference: Britishness and Otherness, 1775-1850、Empires of Improvement、Fashion: Theories, Material & Images (1540-1940)、Gendering the Exotic and Exoticising Gender、Literature, Medicine, Metropolis, 1780-1850、Making the Nation、Representing Women in Eighteenth-century Britain: Ideas, Images and Texts、Romantic Texts and Contexts、Gothic Bodies、Wollstonecraft to Jane Austen: Femininity and Literary Culture

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思7(听力6.5、阅读6.5、写作6.5、口语6.5),托福96(听力23、阅读23、写作23、口语23),PTE 67(听力61、阅读61、写作61、口语61)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Digital Knowledge Production in Archaeology、Analysis and Visualisation、Analysing Historic Buildings、The Archaeology of Human Bones、Becoming Human: Evolving Minds and Societies、Cultural Heritage Management I、Ethnoarchaeology、Buildings Survey、Digital Imaging、Geographical Information Systems (GIS)、Virtual Reality and 3D Modelling for Archaeology、Advanced Digital Imaging、Spatial Analysis in GIS、Dissertation

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6.5、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作23、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作61、口语55)



这个专业的课程设置主要有:Mesolithic lifeways、Mesolithic Funerary Archaeology、The Archaeology of Human Bones、Hunting and Gathering Societies、Ethnoarchaeology 、Artefacts from Excavation、Perspectives in Landscape Research、Dissertation、Fieldwork

学制1年,学费19950英镑年,9月开学,雅思6.5(听力6、阅读6、写作6.5、口语6),托福87(听力21、阅读21、写作23、口语21),PTE 61(听力55、阅读55、写作61、口语55)







